A nice fan made plugin allows you to add Nectar Ninja to your Wodpress site with one click. Get it now.
1. Login to your Wordpress Admin console (generally at /wp-admin
on your Wordpress site).
2. Navigate to the Theme Editor from the menu on the left side.
3. Locate the header.php file from the menu on the right side.
4. Paste the following code snippet before the line of code that says </head> and click "Update file".
var handle = '@placeholder';
var a = document.createElement('script'); var m = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; a.async = 1; a.src = 'https://nectar.ninja/api/v1/' + handle.slice(1); m.parentNode.insertBefore(a, m); })(); </script>
5. Replace @placeholder with your own Twitter handle.